WildMatchAt first looking like most adult dating offerings this new site is actually quite well worked out, and has a few interesting features. The first thing that you should note is that WildMatch is highly sexist -- it does not treat men and women the same at all! In fact when I first signed up I thought it was a bit strange that everything really highlighted women-only features. So I had my male friend sign up as well, and what he saw was quite a bit different. The basic differences relate to encouraging more women to make more use of the site -- that's not too surprising as most dating sites basically suffer from not enough women. A bit like real life I suppose -- go to a bar and you'll find more guys looking for dates than the other way around. So how they actually do this is with a points system, think airmiles for dating. As you do "good things" such as posting a detailed profiles, pics or video, or responding to messages from guys then you earn points. If you earn enough points -- and it really has to be a lot -- you can cash them in for prizes or even cash. Is this going to encourage frivolous uses of the system? "Ladies" who only reply to guys in order to earn the cash? I guess it depends how much they need the money but somehow I don't think it will be that much of a problem as each point is worth only a few cents. So on to some of the unusual features of the site -- I think the one that stands out is video. They have a built in video webcam chat system which lets you go either into already existing rooms, make up new rooms, or go one-on-one with someone you have found in the site and want to get to know better. The video is very small, but then given that most people will be doing this with cheap webcams that have a small picture anyway that's probably reasonable. You'll have to be using Windows as it is an ActiveX control to make the video work -- the one from EyeBall, one of the big webcam video companies. If you are a woman then there is a dedicates support person assigned to you who will help you get the most out of the system; like I said they are really trying to get more ladies to sign up. I'm not sure that men are going to get quite as much out of the site, but given that it is an entirely free join -- you just have to give an email address and fill in a very brief profile -- it is worth a try. Do watch out though when you get into the site you'll be advised to fill out a more detailed profile -- and it gets down to bare facts pretty fast. And ladies, yes, you can search for guys "by the inch"! As a woman when you sign up you are straight in, even before you confirm your email address (which could take several hours to arrive), but as a man the confirmation email takes you to an up sell to members. All payments are "discreetly and securely" processed by the CCBill service and you are offered two options:
Here are the difference between free and paid memberships for guys -- girls get everything for free it seems.
So check out WildMatch and do let me know in the forum if you have anything to tell me about it.