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   www.mariasguide.com Forum Index -> Dating sites -> www.amatuermatch.com
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005

Location: Everett WA

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:52 pm    Post subject: SCAM / www.amatuermatch.com

I can't be any more clear. This site is a SCAM. After signing up for free, I received several emails from women. I then paid my money and proceeded to answer the messages I received. Not one was returned. I then sent a general survey question to more than 200 profiles on the site. Not one was returned. Most of the time a message is received, it does not make sense. After your membership expires you will get more emails than you can imagine, like suddenly, all the women want you. Trust me. On a normal dating site there are 20 guys for every women so you have to be very good to get conversations going and don't expect alot of emails in return. Also, is there a bad picture on amateurmatch? NO because 99% of the women on the site are Bots or Fake profiles. DO NOT BUY INTO THIS SITE! Your just lighting your money on fire. 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2005

Location: New Hampshire/Boston

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:23 pm    Post subject: SCAM all over it / www.amatuermatch.com

I joined that piece of crap site a while ago after their "free" membership. What a fool I was.

They NEVER replied to complaints, the same messages appears (only the names have changed) and the e-mail addresses are the same (or end in @hotmail).

The chat sucks, the site itself sucks, the "online" people are always online and never change (yet, they are NOT really online at all). Their members are advertisers (bots) and some real women (but they are pay site cam girls, etc.).

Their contact info is here, but don't waste your time, they will NOT get back to you at all:

Piranha New Media
PO Box 690192
Stockton, CA 95269


Administrative Contact:
John, Thomas domains@modenamarketing.com
PO Box 990
FDICIC Building
Lower Factory Road
St Johns, na na

Technical Contact:
John, Thomas domains@modenamarketing.com
PO Box 990
FDICIC Building
Lower Factory Road
St Johns, na na

Record last updated 06-03-2005 07:31:09 PM
Record expires on 02-09-2007
Record created on 02-09-2000

Domain servers in listed order:

What you CAN do however, is contact the hosting service with your complaints and have them shut down. The contact info for their hosting company is:

Centurion Hosting LLC
1100 Irvine Blvd. #486
Tuston, CA 92780
1 (800) 886-1418


Administrative Contact:
Spackman, Stephen abuse@centurionhosting.com
1100 Irvine Blvd. #486
Tuston, CA 92780
1 (800) 886-1418

Technical Contact:
Spackman, Stephen abuse@centurionhosting.com
1100 Irvine Blvd. #486
Tuston, CA 92780
1 (800) 886-1418

Now if you do send a complaint to them (the hosting business) and they do not remedy the problem, they have been put on notice by way of your complaint and then you have a record. You can then contact http://www.econsumer.gov/ and file a complaint stating that your issue has not been addressed.

Remember, if you say nothing, nothing gets done. There are enough complaints online surrounding this scam that something can and will be done, but you have to make it happen.

Good luck..oh, and I sent my complaints, but one complaint is just that, one complaint.

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Joined: 06 Nov 2005

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:29 pm    Post subject: / www.amatuermatch.com

You say they do things like hold your e mails until your membership expires. Then all of a suden here comes your emails after your membership is expired. I found that adultfriendfinder does about the same. Your membership expires and bam here comes all these back emails. Sounds like a milk job to me. 
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Joined: 13 Jan 2006

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:34 am    Post subject: Fake emails from site / www.amatuermatch.com

I was trying to do an advanced earch on this site and found an error on a page. I was able to view the source code, the code includes logic for sending messages from fake profiles. Here is the URL:


(it might be gone by the time you get there)
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Joined: 20 Jan 2006

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:06 am    Post subject: / www.amatuermatch.com

Sorry I have to disagree, I have had very good luck using Amateurmatch.com. Yes lots of datingsites have fake profiles or girls spamming to get you to watch their cams.. actually its not even the girls spamming but their affiliates. But Amateurmatch.com has worked well for me. I have gone out on actual dates. I have had much worse luck with Adultfriendfinder and SexSearch.com.

I did notice that since they put the security code for sending messages, their site has been much better and there is alot less bogus mail flying around.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2007

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:42 pm    Post subject: / www.amatuermatch.com

The site exists completely to lure horny men and guys (and even some women) who need real sex or a relationship into spending $25/month. Donate your money now, men to serve your sex drive.

Anyone who says differently here, is ignoring the fact that there is a billion-dollar porn industry out there who wants you spending money on sex images. Unfortunately, a lot of dating sites are not far removed from the porn industry.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2007

Location: New Hampshire

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:58 am    Post subject: / www.amatuermatch.com

Amatuermatch disclaimer: Pretty conspicuous but for any horny guy easily overlooked....guys, the fact is that women know they have gold down there. Any horny woman searching for a hard pounding can walk into a grocery store and snatch up the first guy that catches her eye and pound him without objection. Why would they sit behind a computer screen waiting for you or me....really!!!!

You further understand, acknowledge, and agree that, from time-to-time, OC's may contact both free users and paid users via computer-generated Instant Messages or emails for purposes of encouraging further or broader participation in our site's services and/or to monitor user activity. These messages may be transmitted to multiple recipients at the same or similar time(s). Messages from OC's will contain the uniform designation "OC" to notify the user that a message has been received from an Online Cupid. In the event the user responds to an OC message, either via email or Instant Message, the user may receive one or more additional personal or form responses from the OC. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that no physical meeting will ever take place between you and our OC's, and that the exchange of messages between you and an OC is for entertainment purposes, as well as to encourage further or broader participation in our site's services and/or to monitor user activities. Notwithstanding the above, the user is not guaranteed a response to any message sent to an OC (or another user).
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